A birth is announced


It was the 8th century BC and times were gloomy in the Promised Land. The Assyrian army had invaded the northern kingdom of Ephraim (Israel), cruelly carrying off the people as captives. Zebulun and Naphtali, the two most northerly of the twelve tribes of Israel, fell first as the Assyrians crossed the border into their land. Galilee had also fallen. This was the judgement that God had warned them was coming – unless they repented and turned back to him. But the warnings of the prophets had fallen on deaf ears. So the people in the southern kingdom of Judah, under the rule of King Ahaz, are left wondering – what about them? Is there any hope for their future?
Against this dark background, God in his loving mercy sheds a powerful beam of light. Through the prophet Isaiah he tells of One who is coming to bring light into the darkness. One who will bring a joyful, righteous kingdom!


Read Isaiah 9:1-5

Reflect – the dawning light

  • What is the promise Isaiah gives in verse 1?
  • As this promise is brought to fulfilment, what will be the mood of the people? (verse 2)
  • Verse 4 reminds the people of Gideon’s defeat of the Midianites (Judges 7). What does verse 5 indicate will also happen at some point in the future?

    What a contrast! The hopeless gloom and darkness are going to be banished as a ‘great light’ comes to God’s people. There will be great joy and victory – wars and fighting will cease. But how will this be possible?

    Read Isaiah 9:6

    Reflect – to us a child is born

    What is the surprising means God is going to use to bring victory and an end to conflict? See Luke 1:26-27

    Think about the significance of each of the names by which this child will be called:

    • Wonderful Counsellor – This is the language of ‘signs and wonders’. This child will have supernatural or miraculous wisdom. His decisions will be wise and righteous and just.
    • Mighty God – This child is to be ‘born’ – indicating he is human – but he will also have all the might and power of God. See also Isaiah 7:14. He will be born of a virgin and be known as ‘Immanuel – God with us’.
    • Everlasting Father – This child is a ‘son’, but he will also raise up (‘Father’) a whole new people for God. These renewed people will live forever.
    • Prince of Peace – At the coming of Jesus the angels proclaimed: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” (Luke 2:14). This is a declaration of peace with God. This child will one day bring peace by defeating our greatest enemies: Satan, sin and death.

    Read Isaiah 9:7

    Reflect – the future King

    • Through Isaiah, God promises that a King is coming. He will end the darkness and bring light to the world. This is the King who will reign forever on the throne of David as promised in 2 Samuel 7:16. How will this be accomplished? Read Luke 1:31-33.

    Spend time thanking God for his goodness and mercy to us in sending Jesus, the Light of the World.
    How will you share this message with your family and friends this Christmas?


    Let’s sing!

    For Unto To Us A Child Is Born (Handel); Come Behold The Wondrous Mystery (Papa); Here I Am To Worship (Hughes).