Thank you for every effort you are making to keep your group members connected during 2020!

In some regions KYB groups have been unable to meet in person since mid-March!  Thank you for the creativity and commitment demonstrated by all to grow women in Christ through sharing the Bible during these months of challenge and change.  

As we move towards the close of the KYB year, CWCI Australia’s National Management Board urges all KYB Leaders to continue to be diligent in complying with state regulations regarding COVID-19 safety.  Please go to, or alternative source of official information, to find out what you can and can’t do in your State or Territory.

As restrictions change from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, thank you for taking time to remain fully informed and up to date with COVID-19 safety regulations relevant to your place of meeting. Please note that in every region of Australia restrictions may change as circumstances change and may be selectively/locally increased in the case of an outbreak of COVID-19.

The current KYB study — 1 & 2 Peter: Godliness and salvation — presents a timely reminder for God’s people to submit, for the Lord’s sake, to every human authority. In doing this we honour God and benefit others. We look forward in faith and hope to all groups being able to meet again  in person without restriction.

In Christian Love,

Heather Jackson,

President, CWCI Australia