CWCI Australia’s unique ‘Safari’ ministry to women in rural and remote Australia is in full swing again this year. We have National Safaris reaching Queensland and Western Australia, as well as Regional Safaris in other parts of our vast land.
In late May-early June the SouthWest Queensland Safari Team of Speaker Gladys Staines, Safari Leader Margot Stuart and Pilot Steve Cavill flew out from Longreach to Boulia, Windorah, Quilpie, Yaraka, Blackall, Cunnamulla, Charleville, Tambo and back to Longreach.
The Safari started out with major headwinds putting an extra hour on the flight the first day. We sent prayer requests out due to the weather fronts predicted. There was good weather after that. Steve our pilot avoided a few minor storms.
Many were praying for good attendances. A few meetings had small numbers but they provided more one-to-one encouragement time. Charleville had 10 young people and 32 adults attending. Three families had travelled far for the meeting- from Lismore, Toowoomba and Gladstone! Two other events had 10 ladies attend and in Longreach there were 24 adults and 2 children present.
Every event was encouraging. At three different events we had an attendee comment, sometimes through tears…I was meant to be here today. These were special moments of blessing for all.
Listen here to Latasha speaking about the CWCI Australia Safari event in Charleville on 8 June, 2022.