Spring 2024 – Bond Newsletter

The latest edition of the BOND Newsletter is now available. CWCI Australia produces BOND four times each year. It includes prayer parables, personal stories, devotional content, information on KYB Bible studies, highlights from CWCI Events and Safaris throughout Australia, and updates from the Melanesia Ministry. The current online edition is now available on the website.

Included in the 2024 Spring Edition is an article Melanesia Ministry Update. This year CWCI Australia’s three Country Advisors travelled to their respective countries—Jacqui to Vanuatu, Machi to the Solomon Islands and Elaine to PNG. There they participated in training village leaders, assisting in training women in church settings and meeting with women on the local executives. Country Advisors lean heavily on God to lead them in the right direction, and to the right places when they travel. These women experience challenges along the way and appreciate prayer support from those who follow their journey.

CWCI Australia also sent teams of women to rural and remote areas of Australia as part of its 2024 Safari Ministry. This edition of BOND includes stories from three National Safaris and two Regional Safaris. The organisation of these journeys is never easy, and the teams often encounter changes along the way. The National Safari Director, Margot Stuart, shares safari experiences in an article Knock, Knock … who has the Lord sent?

If you would like to know more about either of these CWCI Australia ministries or read any of the other informative articles in the 2024 Spring Edition of BOND, click on the following link and read on.

Read Spring 2024 Bond Newsletter

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