Summer 2024 – Bond Newsletter

The 2024 Summer edition of the BOND Newsletter is now available. It makes for great reading during the holidays. This edition has interesting articles that will keep you informed about what has been happening recently in CWCI Australia’s ministry.

BOND is available four times each year. It includes prayer parables, personal stories, devotional content, information on KYB Bible studies and highlights of CWCI Australia’s ministries. The current online edition is available now on the website.

Included in the 2024 Summer Edition is an article “Look what just happened” from our National Safari Director, Margot Stuart. The past few months have been an exciting time for our Safaris both nationally and regionally. Teams have travelled to Cape York and Cairns surrounds in North Queensland, the south-eastern part of South Australia, the Surat Basin in regional Queensland and the southwest wheatbelt and goldfields in Western Australia. In this edition of BOND, you can read about the experiences of the teams as they travelled and how they were able to share their love for God and his kingdom with women in the areas they visited.

Perhaps you have an interest in CWCI Australia’s ministry in Melanesia. Summer BOND has the latest news from the Solomon Islands and PNG shared by our Country Advisers. Both have recently travelled to those areas and are excited to be able to write about their visits and their contact with local women who do KYB.

If you would like to know more about either of these CWCI Australia ministries or read any of the other informative articles in the 2024 Summer Edition of BOND, click on the following link and read on.

Read Summer 2024 Bond Newsletter

If you enjoy reading this edition of the Bond Newsletter, why not consider sending a comment to our Bond Editor? She would love to hear from you in the ‘Letters to the Editor’ section as feedback is always welcome.