by cwciaus_admin | Jul 16, 2022 | East Central Coast, East Central Plains, Eastern, Harbour, KYB studies, South Eastern, Southern, Sunshine, Tasman, Tropical, Western
Compelled by Christ’s Love explores the Apostle Paul’s life by looking at events in the book of Acts and at Paul’s own words in the letters…
by cwciaus_admin | Jun 24, 2021 | East Central Coast, East Central Plains, Eastern, Harbour, KYB studies, South Eastern, Southern, Sunshine, Tasman, Tropical, Western
Anchored in Christ: KYB for Term 3, 2021 The books of Colossians and Philemon address intriguing and overlapping questions. Is Jesus God? Why did he come to earth? And what difference does knowing him make in my life? In Colossians Jesus is revealed as preeminent and...
by CWCI Australia | Dec 22, 2020 | East Central Coast, East Central Plains, Eastern, Harbour, KYB studies, South Eastern, Southern, Sunshine, Tasman, Tropical, Western
Message and mission: KYB for Term 1, 2021 Our first study of 2021 is written by Sue Gleeson. In Message and mission, we pick up at the turning point in the Book of Acts. Back in our 2020 study, Gospel and growth: Acts 1–12 we discovered how the Holy Spirit came and...
by CWCI Australia | Sep 3, 2020 | East Central Coast, East Central Plains, Eastern, Harbour, KYB studies, South Eastern, Southern, Sunshine, Tasman, Tropical, Western
KYB for Term 4, 2020 Our upcoming study for Term 4 this year is written by Rosemary Bardsley. The Apostle Peter, who once famously denied Jesus, had now become a courageous, influential leader in the early church. The believers in the first century were facing both...
by CWCI Australia | Jan 8, 2020 | KYB studies
KYB for Term 2, 2020 Our upcoming study for Term 2 this year is Acts 1–12: gospel and growth, written by Sue Gleeson. We will see lives being transformed by the gospel, and we will learn how the baby church is being formed and how it works through issues and...
by CWCI Australia | Nov 4, 2019 | KYB studies
KYB for Term 4, 2019 Our upcoming study for Term 4 this year is Prayers from the Bible, written by Kate Graham and based off an earlier study by Jean Raddon. Prayer is such an important part of being a believer — it is how we communicate with God! But how well do we...