Introducing CWCI Australia
CWCI stands for Christian Women Communicating International – a worldwide Bible-based faith ministry that had its in beginnings in Australia in 1957.
Initiated by Grace Collins, Bible-teaching Events for women have been hosted by committees in capital cities and regional areas across Australia since 1957. Since 1971 Safari teams have taken events into rural and remote areas. Events and Safaris offer encouraging, inspiring, biblical teaching for women, bringing women to a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour and equipping them for life in their homes, work, and communities.
Know Your Bible (KYB) is CWCI’s most well-known ministry. KYB founder, Jean Raddon, commenced production of these carefully designed Bible studies in 1972. Available for use in face2face or online groups or by correspondence, KYB studies are in use across Australia, Melanesia and overseas. They are also made available for non-CWCI study groups via our Head Office in Sydney.
In all these ways, together with our website [cwciaus.org.au], Blog and social media posts, Bond newsletter and other publications CWCI Australia ministries aim to grow women in Christ through sharing the Bible.
History books
Beyond Expectations
Far Beyond Expectations
Addendum: Far Beyond Expectations 1994-2016
Our beginnings

Jean & Mary in Phoebe (their van!) travelling
regional Australia to share KYB.
Jean Raddon – Listen now
Listen Now to historical recordings of Jean Raddon, founder of Know Your Bible (KYB) teaching the Bible.