
A blessed life

A blessed life

Just as we often see a grand entrance into a magnificent building, so Psalm 1 gives us a grand entrance into the whole book of the Psalms. In six short verses it presents…

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Five exhortations

Five exhortations

I must admit I searched for a more ‘user-friendly’ word than ‘exhortations’ – but I couldn’t find one. To ‘exhort’
someone is to strongly urge them to do something; to give them a warning or advice; to appeal to…

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Finishing well

Finishing well

At the end of this month the Paris Olympic Games will begin. The motto for the Olympic Games is ‘Swifter, Higher, Stronger’, and we see many records…

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The true vine

The true vine

What a night it has been! The disciples have just shared the meal we call the Last Supper with Jesus. And I’m sure that their brains are probably reeling as they try to…

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Jesus on trial

Jesus on trial

In John 11 we see an amazing miracle: Jesus brings Lazarus, who has been dead for four days, back to life. Now you would assume that on seeing such a miracle, people would believe that Jesus was indeed the Son of God, just as…

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A new day dawning

A new day dawning

The old man gently cradled the baby in his arms. He’d held babies before, but this was different. At last, this was his own flesh and blood! Zechariah marvelled that……

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Jars of clay

Jars of clay

Social influencers are people who build a huge number of followers on social media. These followers engage closely with the influencer and sometimes…..

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John Bunyan’s Christian allegory ‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’ tells of a man who lives in the evil City of Destruction. He feels a deep sorrow because he realises….

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Pressing On

Pressing On

Philippians is the known as the letter of joy. Yet Paul wrote this letter while he was a prisoner, most likely in Rome. Many of the churches….

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