Christmas Closure – Head Office will close end of business on Monday 23 December and reopen on Monday 6 January 2025.
Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement throughout this year. We wish you a blessed Christmas season.


Upcoming events

View event details by using the plus icon to the right
DateTimeStateCWCI RegionPlaceDayType of EventSpeakerTopic/ThemeContactAdditional ContactLink
22 Jan 202510.00 AMSASouthernGlyndeWednesdayKYB Term 1 Introductory TourJill DyerTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Helene: 0437 027 545
22 Jan 202510.00 AMSASouthernNaracoorteWednesdayKYB Term 1 Introductory TourKaren MooreTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Julie: 0427 623 578
28 Jan 202510.00 AMNSWEast Central CoastRaymond TerraceTuesdayKYB Introduction Term 1 Carol KolbeTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Stephanie: 0434 420 442
28 Jan 20259.30 AMSASouthernTanundaTuesdayKYB Term 1 Introductory TourVal ZernaTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Dianne: 0417 819 722
29 Jan 20251.30 PMQLDSunshineWednesdayZOOM Introduction to Term 1Rosemary BardsleyTerm 1 - Tabernacle and Temple
29 Jan 202510.00 AMSASouthernElizabethWednesdayKYB Term 1 Introductory TourVal ZernaTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Margaret: 0421 019 653
30 Jan 202510.00 AMNSWHarbourSpringwoodThursdayKYB Term 1 Introduction Joan YoungTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Lynn: 0416 307 399
30 Jan 20257.00 PMQLDSunshineThursdayZOOM Introduction to Term 1 Rosemary BardsleyTerm 1 - Tabernacle and Temple
30 Jan 20257.00 PMSASouthernZOOMThursdayKYB Term 1 Introductory TourKaren MooreTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with usHeather
31 Jan 202510.00 AMSASouthernVictor HarborFridayKYB Term 1 Introductory TourJill DyerTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Jenny: 0400 263 373
31 Jan 20257.30 PMSASouthernQueenstownFridayKYB Term 1 Introductory TourMerilyn PackerTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Ira: 0403 720 667
31 Jan 20259.30 AMQLDSunshineFridayZOOM Introduction to Term 1 Rosemary BardsleyTerm 1 - Tabernacle and Temple
1 Feb 20259.30 AMQLDSunshineIpswichSaturdayKYB Introduction T1 & Morning TeaRosemarie GreenTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Leah: 0403 325 172
1 Feb 20259.30 AMSASouthernEvanston ParkSaturdayKYB Term 1 Introductory TourVal ZernaTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Margaret: 0421 134 674
3 Feb 202510.00 AMNSWEast Central CoastErinaMondayKYB Introduction Term 1 Sue BraundTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Sue: 0408 248 736
3 Feb 202510.00 AMNSWHarbourThornleighMondayKYB Introduction Term 1Joan YoungTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Lynne: 0416 285 044
3 Feb 20257.30 PMNSWHarbourBaulkham HillsMondayKYB Introduction Term 1Edwina BlairTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Lynne: 0416 285 044
3 Feb 20259.30 AMQLDSunshineDalbyMondayKYB Introduction Term 1 Rosemarie GreenTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Kerry: 0419 773 260
4 Feb 202510.00 AMNSWEast Central CoastWarners BayTuesdayKYB Introduction Term 1Carol KolbeTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Sharon: 0449 185 043
4 Feb 20252.00 PMQLDSunshineGoomburraTuesdayKYB Introduction Term 1Rosemarie GreenTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Estelle: 0408 636 072
4 Feb 20259.30 AMQLDSunshineWarwickTuesdayKYB Introduction Term 1Rosemarie GreenTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Jan: 0431 243 248
5 Feb 202510.00 AMNSWHarbourTerry HillsWednesdayKYB Term 1 Introduction Joan YoungTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Jill: 0425 324 969
5 Feb 20257.00 PMQLDSunshineToowoombaWednesdayKYB Introduction Term 1 Rosemarie GreenTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Joy: 0466 986 935
5 Feb 20259.30 AMQLDSunshineToowoombaWednesdayKYB Introduction Term 1Rosemarie GreenTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Jenny: 07 4635 0350
Dianne: 0439 780 981
8 Feb 202510.00 AMNSWHarbourMirandaSaturdayKYB Term 1 Introduction Edwina BlairTabernacle & Temple: the promise of God's presence with us
Sue: 0414 923 862
7 Mar 20256.00 PMWAWesternSiesta ParkFridayBusselton Ladies RetreatWendy StrachanFaith, Hope and Love
Rhonda: 0400 601 018
8 Mar 20259.00 AMWAWesternSiesta ParkSaturdayBusselton Ladies RetreatWendy StrachanFaith, Hope and Love
Rhonda: 0400 601 018
9 Mar 20259.00 AMWAWesternSiesta ParkSundayBusselton Ladies RetreatWendy StrachanFaith, Hope and Love
Rhonda: 0400 601 018
14 Mar 20256.30 PMNSWHarbourStanwell TopsFriday E3 Women's Weekend ConferenceSandy McKayJesus the Heart Surgeon
Denise: 0432 624 961
15 Mar 20259.00 AMNSWHarbourStanwell TopsSaturdayE3 Women's Weekend ConferenceSandy McKayJesus the Heart Surgeon
Denise: 0432 624 961
16 Mar 20259.00 AMNSWHarbourStanwell TopsSundayE3 Women's Weekend ConferenceSandy McKayJesus the Heart Surgeon
Denise: 0432 624 961
21 Mar 20255.00 PMVICSouth EasternPaynesvilleFridayGippsland ConventionBec LanhamWho do you say I Am?
Bev: 0427 100 993
22 Mar 20259.15 AMVICSouth EasternPaynesvilleSaturdayGippsland ConventionBec LanhamWho do you say I Am?
Bev: 0427 100 993
23 Mar 20259.15 AMVICSouth EasternPaynesvilleSundayGippsland ConventionBec LanhamWho do you say I Am?
Bev: 0427 100 993
27 Mar 20256.30 PMNSWHarbourWinmaleeThursdayNerida PeartThe next best thing
Sian: 0411 036 103
30 Apr 202510.00 AMNSWHarbourCampbelltownWednesdayKYB Term 2 IntroductionJoan YoungLuke Part 1 - Learn from the Teacher
Carlene: 0409 887 613
3 May 20252.00 PMNSWHarbourWentworth FallsSaturdayJill McGilvrayCreativity
Sian: 0411 036 103
28 Jun 202510.00 AMNSWHarbourPeakhurstSaturdayJoan YoungHope in a broken world
Sue: 0414 923 862
24 Jul 202510.00 AMNSWHarbourIngleburnThursdayKYB Term 3 IntroductionBeth Worley1 Samuel
Debbie: 0408 977 114
1 Aug 20255.30 PMNSWHarbourWinmaleeFridayWomens Weekend ConventionChris Quirk Being God's Woman
Sian: 0411 036 103
2 Aug 20259.00 AMNSWHarbourWinmaleeSaturdayWomens Weekend ConventionChris Quirk Being God's Woman
Sian: 0411 036 103
3 Aug 20259.00 AMNSWHarbourWinmaleeSundayWomens Weekend ConventionChris Quirk Being God's Woman
Sian: 0411 036 103
30 Aug 202510.00 AMNSWHarbourMirandaSaturdayChris Quirk Refresh Me - God's grace in action
Sue: 0414 923 862
18 Oct 202510.00 AMNSWHarbourPeakhurstSaturdayKYB Term 4 IntroductionSandy McKay (tbc)Philippians
Sue: 0414 923 862