How great is our God!
Psalm 111 begins with a resounding note of praise – literally “Hallelujah”! It was probably written for the Jewish remnant that returned to Jerusalem from….
Psalm 111 begins with a resounding note of praise – literally “Hallelujah”! It was probably written for the Jewish remnant that returned to Jerusalem from….
The Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation at the command of the Holy Spirit (1:10-11) when he was exiled on the Island of Patmos ‘because of…
It was the 8th century BC and times were gloomy in the Promised Land. The Assyrian army had invaded the northern kingdom of Ephraim (Israel)…
It was tough being a prophet! By the time we get to chapter 6 of Isaiah, this young prophet has already brought messages of woe to the people of Judah. He’s told them…
Just as we often see a grand entrance into a magnificent building, so Psalm 1 gives us a grand entrance into the whole book of the Psalms. In six short verses it presents…
I was recently reminded of a time many years ago when my husband and I were walking in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Not being used to Canada’s…
I must admit I searched for a more ‘user-friendly’ word than ‘exhortations’ – but I couldn’t find one. To ‘exhort’
someone is to strongly urge them to do something; to give them a warning or advice; to appeal to…
At the end of this month the Paris Olympic Games will begin. The motto for the Olympic Games is ‘Swifter, Higher, Stronger’, and we see many records…
What a night it has been! The disciples have just shared the meal we call the Last Supper with Jesus. And I’m sure that their brains are probably reeling as they try to…
This devotion is intended to complement the 2024 CWCI Prayer for the Nation program being held throughout May. When the people of Israel entered the Promised Land…
Remember when Jesus was on trial, how Peter swore with curses that he did not know him? He did it three times. Then the rooster….
In John 11 we see an amazing miracle: Jesus brings Lazarus, who has been dead for four days, back to life. Now you would assume that on seeing such a miracle, people would believe that Jesus was indeed the Son of God, just as…
The 18th century poet Isaac Watts is one of the most prolific and celebrated writers of Christian hymns. His popular hymn ‘Joy to the World’ is sung…
As the new year begins, it’s good to be reminded that, even before he created the world, our Father in heaven chose to pour his love……
The old man gently cradled the baby in his arms. He’d held babies before, but this was different. At last, this was his own flesh and blood! Zechariah marvelled that……