A blessed life


Just as we often see a grand entrance into a magnificent building, so Psalm 1 gives us a grand entrance into the whole book of the Psalms. In six short verses it presents us very clearly with two ways of living. One way is God’s way and is blessed by him; the other way leads to destruction.


Read Psalm 1:1-2 


  • According to verse 1, what are three things that the person blessed by God does not do?
  • In verse 2, ‘the law of the LORD’ refers to all Scripture. In what two ways does this person show that they value God’s word?
  • What do you think it means to ‘meditate on God’s law day and night’? (v 2)

    The word ‘blessed’ has a whole range of meanings. Here it means to be favoured by God. If we belong to Jesus, then God has blessed us in many ways: with mercy, forgiveness, grace, life, hope, joy and much more. And this psalm teaches us what the blessed life looks like: it is refusing to march to the beat of those who are still in rebellion against God. Instead it is delighting in God’s word, and letting it constantly fill our lives.

    Read Psalm 1:3-4


    • What picture does the psalmist paint of the blessed person? (v 3)
    • How does this contrast with the wicked person? (v 4)

    What a delightful picture the tree planted by streams of water gives us. It is solid and secure, with strong roots reaching down into rich soil and life-giving water. It produces fruit – just as it was created to do. This is a picture of the life of those who are firmly rooted in Christ. As the Holy Spirit works in our lives, he grows his fruit in us. (See Galatians 5:22-23). What a contrast with those who are in rebellion against God. They have no strong roots; they bear no fruit. They amount to nothing. Like chaff they are tossed around by the wind and blown away.

    Read Psalm 1:5-6


    • What does verse 5 tell us will happen to the wicked – those in rebellion against God?
    • What is the wonderful promise given to believers in verse 6?

    Read Psalm 1 again. As you read it, notice again the two ways to live – either enjoying the blessings of God, or rebelling against his right to rule over us. And what a completely different destiny each of these ways brings!

    Also, as you meditate on this psalm, think about the Lord Jesus Christ – the only person who completely fits the picture of the righteous man described in this psalm. Christ lived the perfect life for us. He is the one who died so that we could be righteous. He is the one who can make our lives fruitful. He is the one who is constantly watching over us. What a blessing to know and serve and love him!



    Psalm 1 is a great psalm to learn off by heart. Why not try to do that this week? I have found memorising Scripture to be a great blessing, and I’m sure you will too!


    Let’s sing!

    Psalm 1 (Sons of Korah); Blessed is the Man (Psalm Praise); Psalm 1 Word for Word (Fitzsimmons)