A letter from the President to our wonderful CWCI members
Dear CWCI members,
Thank you for your faithfulness and creativity in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic and its impact of CWCI ministries.
Thank you for humbly and carefully putting in place appropriate responses to the initiatives taken by our governments both Federal and State. These initiatives have impacted all face-to-face CWCI events and KYB group meetings across both Australia and Melanesia.
National and Regional Safaris have been cancelled or put on hold for the time being. The Tasman Safari was cancelled halfway through. CWCI residential conferences and weekend conventions and all public events have been cancelled or postponed while they are re-imagined digitally.
Thank you for your diligence in taking these measures and for the grace shown by all concerned – boards, committees, speakers and attendees. Staff at Head Office have been working overtime to help you with your enquiries and making sure that you are kept up-to date with developments. Thank you Chris, Michelle and Hannah for your service of love in this season of challenge and opportunity.
CWCI Australia’s vision is to grow women in Christ through sharing the Bible. Our KYB (Know Your Bible) study groups are the grass roots of our ministry, enabling women to meet regularly and read the Bible together. It is in this area of our ministry that enormous creativity is being revealed. KYB leaders and members have swung into action and are using a wide variety of digital platforms to keep their groups engaging with the Bible and encouraging one another. Again, my heartfelt thanks!
Thank you, faithful KYB leaders, for ringing group members regularly, checking they are well supported in their homes, sharing encouraging thoughts from their Bible reading and praying together.
Thank you, faithful KYB leaders, for going far beyond your comfort levels and experimenting with new technologies – for example, ZOOM, Facebook, Skype – in order to keep your groups in touch with one another, supporting each other both practically and spiritually.
Thank you also to our governments and the National Cabinet. May they lead us with humility through the current challenges and may God bless them with wisdom.
And finally, thank you to our Almighty, Sovereign, Heavenly Father. May we be faithful to his calling on our lives to ‘grow women in Christ through sharing the Bible’ even through the grief, loss and fear of current circumstances. May we put our faith and hope in Him, who has promised never to leave and never forsake us. No matter where we are, he is with us. He is still the faithful God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.
Thank you!
In Christian Love,
Heather Jackson,
So many things to be thankful for, ending with the most important one of all. Thank you Heather for reminding us that He will never leave or forsake us.
Thank you so much Heather for making contact with us with such encouragement and and urging us to keep going and and go forward in our Christian ministry even in new ways. Lesley
Thank you Heather for your leadership and words of encouragement. Blessings to you and all the CWCI family xx
Thank you Heather for your leadership and encouragement. God bless you and your family through these days of uncertainty.
Thank you for your encouragement through your letter during this testing time.
l love KYB and enjoy reading “Bond”thank you for all you do.