The European tradition of stripping the Christmas tree bough and leaving it to shoot by Easter teaches the glorious truth that ‘unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit’. (John 12:24b)

Blue spruce stands
Crystallised in light
On Christmas Eve,
Embalmed with hope,
Resplendent in her glory.
The children gasp;
Hands clap with glee –
A Christmas Tree! 

Twelve days she stands,
Her treasures slowly gleaned.
Then lights are dimmed,
The baubles packed away;
The bough is stripped
Of growth and strength
And standing

And left rebuffed to die;
A garden tomb.

On Easter morn,
As children seek for eggs,
They trip upon this bough
Tossed carelessly aside.

A Christmas thing
Has sprung to life;
New shoots adorn.
Life held within
Springs fresh and everlasting!

And meaning, full and deep,
Yes, comprehension
Dawns in those eyes

Heather Jackson