Celebrating 40 years of KYB by Correspondence

This year, as CWCI Australia celebrates 40 years of KYB by Correspondence, we are regularly sharing stories from women who do KYB C studies.  This month we hear from another student, Lyndall.  We hope you enjoy reading her story.  If you are interested in finding out how you can do KYB studies by Correspondence, please contact the CWCI Australia Head Office via our website contact form.  Our friendly office staff will respond to you as soon as possible.

Student Lyndall writes:

I first heard about KYB nearly 30 years ago. My mother-in-law went to a KYB Bible Study each week – occasionally leading her group and she often spoke about it.

A few years later, my sister-in-law was also attending her own KYB group. Both lived in Sydney, and I lived a couple of hundred kilometres away, so I never had the opportunity to attend their groups. I was busy raising my family and was involved in our local church.

Recently I was talking on the phone to my sister-in-law. She raised the idea of KYB by correspondence.  I had not heard about this previously and I was very interested. Now that my children have grown up, I have some time on my hands, and I thought this would be an ideal way to spend some of my spare time. I attend a ladies Bible study at church, but I wanted to “dig in” a bit deeper into the Bible.

Within a couple of weeks, I had been sent a list of studies to choose from, selected a topic, received my study booklet in the mail and I was ready to begin.

I didn’t know what blessings lay ahead as I started studying.  Even though I “randomly ” chose a book I had not studied before – Joshua – I didn’t realise God had so much to teach me from this book. So many of the lessons spoke into a situation in my life, right at that time! In retrospect, I should have realised that God was directing me all the way!

There have been several benefits to studying with KYB by correspondence. Firstly, it has been wonderful connecting with my tutor, who always has insightful thoughts on my answers. She is very encouraging. Secondly, knowing that my tutor is waiting for my next lesson motivates me to continue with my lessons. At many times in my life, I have purchased a Bible study book, eager to study on my own. However, after the initial excitement and motivation wore off, the book ended up on the bookshelf with only one or two studies completed.

There is a sense of accomplishment when I email my completed lesson to my tutor every week or two, and I expectantly wait for her feedback. This feedback reinforces what I have learned as I read it a few days later.

The lessons are easy to understand and follow. They are broken into bite sized pieces, with a Bible reading and questions to answer. Answers can be typed in a Word document and emailed to your tutor or posted via snail mail if you are not tech savvy.  The beauty of KYB by correspondence is that you set your own pace! You can answer as few or as many questions as you have time for each time you study. And there is someone ready to answer any questions the study raises.

This flexible way of study suits anyone and can fit into busy lives seamlessly. It’s also great for those who live in a remote location, or who cannot attend a regular Bible study due to health, caring for others or other commitments. Those who find a group setting overwhelming would also benefit from studying the Bible in this way.

