CWCI Australia National Safari to Pilbara Mid-West, WA

The CWCI Australia National Safari to Pilbara Mid-West Western Australia for 2023, leaves Jandakot Airport on Monday 15th May, with the first stop at Dongara. The Speaker Karen Moore comes from Adelaide. Karen loves teaching the Bible to encourage women to grow in their relationship with God, and so to let that knowledge of God transform their lives.

Image: The team from the recent NWQ National Safari
meeting with women to do a KYB study

She will meet Margaret Crane the Safari Leader in Perth. Margaret has served as CWCI Australia Safari Director for the past 6 years. She also has a long history of living and traveling in remote Queensland, both with CWCI Australia Safaris, and outback Mission patrol work serving with her husband Roger. Margaret is always up for a challenge!

Their pilot Matt Barrett-Lennard is also in Pastoral Care work in Albany and loves flying to serve God and others. Please pray for his family while he is on Safari.

The team will fly north along the Coastline stopping at event locations along the way, as far north as Port Hedland. Then they fly out into the Mid-West to Newman and Mount Magnet on their return journey to Perth. This will be a Safari where the team will meet many people with different Western Australian lifestyles and be hosted by a variety of Christian denominations.

Karen’s theme for her talks is “God’s Mercy is More”. May the message of God’s mercy touch the hearts and lives of many. The advertising brochures should reach far and wide. It is our hope too that tourists who are still in the area following the recent Ningaloo Eclipse will be prompted to attend and to seek after the light of God’s love.

A detailed copy of the itinerary for the Pilbara Mid-West Safari and further information about CWCI Australia’s Safari Ministry can be viewed at

Margot Stuart

Safari Director CWCI Australia