KYB Group 379 started meeting on 27th April 1993. Although the number of ladies has changed and the group has gone from meeting in homes to meeting in a church hall, one thing stayed the same: unity in Christ our Saviour was the strength of the group.
Throughout scripture we are encouraged to love one another, build one another up, live in peace with one another, comfort one another, pray for one another and bear one another’s burdens. This group of ladies share each week around God’s Word, sensitive to each other’s needs. When one in the group is struggling, they can be certain that others will support and care for them.
As we studied the book of Mark, we could see our Lord and Saviour coming alongside those who were struggling and needing support. With His gentle, loving touch He came alongside them and moved them from hurt, pain and struggle to once more feel strengthened to go forward in life. This reminds me of the wonderful group of KYB ladies I meet with each week. I always know that I can come to the group feeling burdened by life and go away feeling my burden is lighter for sharing the scripture with the lovely group of ladies I am blessed to lead each week.
Judy D
L to R Back Row Annette Waters, Judy Drechsler (Leader), Marilyn Sichler (Assistant Leader), Dianne Zimmerman
L to R Front Row Rita Howard, Diane Wade, Carolyn Ronan