Welcome to our 3rd Safari Podcast!

We’ve been through a very trying past year in Australia — from droughts, to bushfires, to flooding, to COVID-19 and all that has come with it … there has been so much to cry out to God about. What have you been asking him? What questions have been weighing on your heart? Perhaps — why? And, how long, Lord?   

CWCI Speaker Margaret Livingstone wasn’t able to share this message on the National Safari to North-West Queensland in May due to COVID-19 restrictions, however her message is timely and encouraging! Margaret speaks from her own experiences and the experiences of God’s people in the Bible — and ultimately points to the comfort we can find in Jesus in the middle of all of life’s questions.

Check out our latest podcast — audio and video versions available!

Safari Podcast #3: Video Edition 

Safari Podcast #3: Audio Edition