by CWCI Australia | Jun 1, 2020 | Bond
Winter Bond 2020: Vol 40 No.2Our latest Bond magazine is published and is on its way to your KYB group! Be encouraged by the devotionals and persistent prayer, and perseverance throughout these extraordinary times! Why not have a read online? Read Winter...
by CWCI Australia | Mar 1, 2020 | Bond
Autumn Bond 2020: Vol 40 No.1Our latest Bond magazine is published and is on its way to your KYB group! Be encouraged by the devotionals and persistent prayer, celebrate with KYB groups around Australia, and discover the challenges and joys of hosting a CWCI...
by CWCI Australia | Nov 24, 2019 | Bond
Summer Bond 2019: Vol 39 No.4 Our latest Bond magazine is published and is on its way to your KYB group! How well do you remember the different kings from the Term 3 2019 study Kings of Judah? Test your knowledge in the quiz! Discover the latest safari and some unique...