CWCI Australia Kimberley National Safari

Every year CWCI Australia sends small mission teams to reach out and connect with women living in rural and remote areas of Australia as part of their Safari ministry. In 2024, we are planning to send out four National Safari teams that will travel to various regions across Australia.

The first National Safari for 2024 is to the Kimberley region of northern Western Australia.  It begins on Saturday 25th May starting in Kununurra and ends in Broome 13 days later. 

The team members for this Safari are Keren (Speaker) and Jennie (Leader).  They will be joined by Dave (Pilot in Command) and Niall (Co-pilot).  All will be flying in a Salvation Army plane that is currently based at Katherine in the Northern Territory.

Keren’s theme – Rivers in the Desert- Called and Chosen, will follow Isaiah 41, 43 and Psalm 139.

Some of the communities and towns to be visited are Kununurra, Kildurk Station, Dodnun, Hall’s Creek, Fitzroy River Crossing, Looma, Ardyaloon (One Arm Point) and Derby. 

The meetings along the way will be in open homes, Churches and Halls, back yards, a Youth and Recreation Hub, an event room in a Community School, and over a meal in a Bistro.

We know that the real food is the Word of God; and it is delivered through the team whose lives testify to our Father God’s love and faithfulness. In their ‘going’ may they also be blessed.

It is my hope and prayer that many will come along, join in and that the unseen presence of the Living God will make all the difference in the lives of those who hear.


If you would like to know more details about the Kimberley Safari, please visit our website Mission teams reaching out – Safari Ministry – CWCI Australia.


Margot Stuart

National Safari Director