Joy by name; Joy by nurture
It all started with attending a CWCI Convention in Queensland. 48 years ago, Del was inspired to knock on her neighbours’ front doors and invite women along to the very first Queensland Know Your Bible (KYB) group. Joy was one of those neighbours.
Joy was not ‘joyous’ at that time. She was a frazzled young mum with three children; one son was seriously ill. A new Christian, Joy started to really growing in faith while she was studying the Bible through KYB. Happiness began to take over as Joy shared her troubles with women in the group, was cared for and encouraged, and taught to apply the Word of God.
As the ladies ate sandwiches and home-made patty cakes, they talked about God and parenting in the 1970s. Between sips of cordial and cups of tea poured from the teapot, Joy grew to experience God intimately as the One who loved her. He would never leave her or forsake her.
Joy delighted in leading her KYB group into her early 70s. She found purpose and joy in serving on a CWCI Australia events committee. Currently, 85-year-old Joy delights in praying for local KYB Group Leaders, and those who have yet to find ‘everlasting joy’.
Writer: Chris Pilt on behalf of Joy.
Lovely to read Joy’s testimony..I remember being a member of the committee with Joy & enjoyed her quiet & Godly ways.