I had heard about KYB and been invited to hear Jean Raddon speak but it wasn’t until about 1984 that I joined a KYB Group led by a friend of mine (Junia). When that Group became too large it was decided to divide and I was approached about leading this new group.  I took this on with much trepidation. (My second name should be Moses).

From this shaky beginning, with the Lord’s enabling, I developed a great passion for The Word and a desire to introduce other women to this wonderful method of Bible Study.

When my 2 daughters who had been attending 2 of my KYB Groups had babies, we decided to meet separately so that the babies would not disturb others in the group.  Several of their friends joined us and soon we were meeting at Bridgeman Baptist Church with many babies and someone to mind the toddlers.

It is wonderful to look back and see many of those original Mums have become Group Leaders and kept the excitement of meeting to learn about the Bible.

Over the years many things have changed in our world, but God’s Living Word is constant and gives meaning and purpose to all generations.  I praise the Lord for the vision He gave Jean Raddon in preparing KYB which has been an amazing tool in bringing thousands of women (and men) into His Kingdom and nurturing them in their faith as the Scriptures have been opened to them.

I am in my 80s now and see my role as an Intercessor with CWCI as a beautiful way to keep in touch with the amazing work started 50 years ago and still plays such a vital role in helping women and men to grow in their Christian walk.

Margaret, Sunshine Region