Celebrating 40 years of KYB by Correspondence
I first heard about KYB nearly 30 years ago. My mother-in-law went to a KYB Bible Study each week – occasionally leading her group and…..
I first heard about KYB nearly 30 years ago. My mother-in-law went to a KYB Bible Study each week – occasionally leading her group and…..
We are regularly sharing stories from women who do KYB C studies. This month we hear from Leane, a student, and Holly, a mentor…..
CWCI Australia’s ministry spreads across to the Melanesia area of the Pacific Ocean. One of the countries where….
When a student commences KYB by Correspondence they are allocated a mentor to assist them with their studies. Mentors play a vital….
Imagine that after 25 years of living in the inner city your husband accepts an offer to go and work in a completely different area….
KYB girls from South West Rocks, NSW. Their KYB groups have been operating for a combined total of 59 years! Invite friends to KYB because…
The European tradition of stripping the Christmas tree bough and leaving it to shoot by Easter teaches the glorious truth….
I first heard about KYB during announcements at church. I’d been attending church for 50 years but had only recently met…
I first heard about KYB from my minister’s wife over 16 years ago. My husband had only recently passed away and…
I first attended KYB back in the early 1980’s in Kaniva. I was on the local CWCI committee when I had heard about this…
I first heard about KYB from my mother who is now in her 90s. She became involved in a group and went on…
I’m a bit of a KYB baby. Not in the sense that I’m new to the Bible study, not at all. In fact, I’ve been attending a KYB study for over….
Hi my name’s Penny, I found it really challenging since becoming a Mum to prioritise reading God’s word every day, because life can feel really busy.
KYB Group 379 started meeting on 27th April 1993. Although the number of ladies has changed and the group has gone from meeting in homes to…
Leviticus helps us understand God’s unfolding plan of salvation — one plan in two stages. In Old Testament times, through the laws in Leviticus….