Know Your Bible by Correspondence
In past KYB by Correspondence (KYBC) articles, have focused on stories from students and their reasons for choosing to do KYB studies by correspondence, (which are many and varied)….
In past KYB by Correspondence (KYBC) articles, have focused on stories from students and their reasons for choosing to do KYB studies by correspondence, (which are many and varied)….
Four times every year CWCI Australia produces the Bond Newsletter. It includes updates, happenings, personal stories, and devotional encouragement from Events, KYB…
“Would you be able to let me know more about KYB by Correspondence, please?” This is a question that I regularly receive from ladies….
During 2023 we have shared several inspiring stories. This month, Rebecca shares her 10-year journey as a KYBC student….
During 2023 CWCI Australia has celebrated 40 years of KYB by Correspondence (KYBC). In early 1970 CWCI was made aware of the need for a….
How could it happen that today I had coffee in Bundaberg with my KYB by Correspondence student from Texas, USA? It comes….
I have been a KYB by Correspondence mentor since 2010. I read in a CWCI magazine that there was a need for more….
I first heard about KYB nearly 30 years ago. My mother-in-law went to a KYB Bible Study each week – occasionally leading her group and…..
CWCI Australia’s first National Safari for 2023 takes off on Sunday 23rd April for two weeks. The Safari Team of…
We are regularly sharing stories from women who do KYB C studies. This month we hear from Leane, a student, and Holly, a mentor…..
CWCI Australia’s ministry spreads across to the Melanesia area of the Pacific Ocean. One of the countries where….
When a student commences KYB by Correspondence they are allocated a mentor to assist them with their studies. Mentors play a vital….
Imagine that after 25 years of living in the inner city your husband accepts an offer to go and work in a completely different area….
KYB girls from South West Rocks, NSW. Their KYB groups have been operating for a combined total of 59 years! Invite friends to KYB because…
I first heard about KYB during announcements at church. I’d been attending church for 50 years but had only recently met…