A new thing!

A new thing!

Good, new things — prepared by God! “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” — Isaiah 43:19 In 2020 we are definitely living in ‘new’ times. The word ‘new’ can bring a...
No abacus in agony

No abacus in agony

Peace be with you! As the elderly shopkeeper turned to add up the amount of my fruit and vegetable purchase, I was surprised to see him deftly using an abacus to make the necessary calculations. His shop was actually a small truck with a makeshift shade cloth extended...
Devotional Corner – Me? Walk on water?!

Devotional Corner – Me? Walk on water?!

Devotional Corner Me? Walk on water?! There are many times and different situations in life, when we are somewhat lacking in faith. I am certain that you can easily think of examples from your own life when you should have been more trusting that God would come...