Immeasurable Grace


Psalm 103 is simply headed ‘Of David’. In this Psalm David makes no request to God. Instead he spends time listing all of God’s blessings. And when he has done this, he is ready to praise God. He praises Him for who He is and for the immeasurable riches of His grace poured out on those who belong to Him.

Read Psalm 103:1-5


  • What does David list here as God’s “benefits”?
  • What do these benefits tell us about God’s grace to us?
  • What should our response be to this?

Here David is speaking directly to his own heart – his inmost being. He is consciously reminding himself not to forget all the benefits God has given, and continues to give him. This Easter let us spend time remembering and meditating on all the benefits that Christ’s death on the cross has won for us.

Read Psalm 103:6-12


  • How do these verses enrich our understanding what God is like?
  • Consider the dimensions of God’s love and forgiveness expressed in verses 10-12. Think about these in the light of God’s love to us in Jesus. You might also like to look at Romans 5:6-11.

How wonderful to know that God does not treat us as our sins deserve, but removes all our transgressions from us. Give thanks as you remember what it cost God to do this for us. What grace, what love. It truly is immeasurable.

Read Psalm 103:13-18


  • What do these verses tell us about our relationship with God?

God not only forgives our sins, he also chooses to adopt us into His family! See Galatians 4:4-5. We can call Him Father! Consider what a privilege it is to be in this relationship with the Creator of the universe.

Read Psalm 103:19-22


  • Re-read verse 19. Why is it significant that King David acknowledges this? Why is it also important for us to acknowledge this?

What a glorious, triumphant ending these 4 verses give to this Psalm. Use them to praise God!

Something to sing about

Grace (City Alight); Good and Gracious King (City Alight); How Deep the Father’s Love for Us (Stuart Townend); or any praise song of your choosing.