Christmas Closure – Head Office will close end of business on Monday 23 December and reopen on Monday 6 January 2025.
Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement throughout this year. We wish you a blessed Christmas season.

Unending love…amazing grace


As the new year begins, it’s good to be reminded that, even before he created the world, our Father in heaven chose to pour his love out upon us. We don’t deserve this; it is all of grace. We are by nature sinful people – enemies of God. However, the good news is that when we come to him by faith, he justifies us – counts us as righteous in his sight! In fact, he calls us his children! Let’s spend time reflecting on these verses from Romans 5, praising God for his unending love and grace to us. Read Romans 5:1-5  


  • From verses 1 and 2 what are the blessings given to those who have been justified through faith?
    • Meditate on these blessings, then praise God for all he gives us through our Lord Jesus Christ
  • Read verses 3 and 4.
    • It may seem strange to thank God for our sufferings, but follow through the thread and see the way God uses them.
    • Give thanks to God for times of suffering and ask him to use them in the way described here.
  • From verse 5, what great gift does God give us? Reflect on the lavish way this gift is given.
    • Praise God for this precious gift.
Give praise and thanks for all the blessings we have in Christ. Read Romans 5:6-8  


  • What happened when we were powerless to help ourselves?
  • How does God demonstrate his own love for us?
    • Meditate on the depth of love God has shown to us – even when we were hostile to him! How do you respond to such love and grace?
    • What do verses 6-8 tell us about God’s character?
Praise God for the depth of his love for you, and for the sacrifice Christ made on your behalf. Read Romans 5:9-11  


  • What did God do in the past to show his love for us? How does this give us confidence that he will continue to show this same love to us in the future?
  • In what ways are you experiencing the love of God right now in your life?
    • What impact will this have on the way you live in 2024?
God loved us and brought us into relationship with himself even when we were hostile to him. So we can be confident he will keep on showing his love to us now that we are his children. He chooses to shower his blessings upon us, even as he lovingly seeks to shape us more and more into the likeness of his perfect Son, Jesus. Praise God that his love for us never ends. Commit your life afresh to him.  

Something to sing about

Enjoy some songs on this theme: Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) (John Newton, Chris Tomlin); Jesus, Thank You (Pat Sczebel); Christ is Mine Forever More (City Alight); Amazing Love (Chris Tomlin)