Many people have been wondering how our KYB groups can continue to meet and study God’s word together in these extraordinary times!

In our upcoming study Gospel and growth: Acts 1–12 finds the Apostles and other believers shut in together in an upstairs room β€” perhaps like many of us today, keeping to our homes. It does not seem a promising start for the church … except for Jesus’ promise to fill them with the Holy Spirit. And when the Spirit comes, this relatively small group of believers are empowered and go on to spread the good news about Jesus throughout the whole world β€” reaching even to us today!

Small numbers and isolation have never stopped God before. He works through his Spirit in all circumstances! So, what options has God provided for us in this time?


Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another β€”and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10:23–25

CWCI Australia would love to encourage all KYBers to “have a go” at new technologies β€” and it’s okay if there’s a learning curve and some laughter along the way! Perseverance brings wonderful rewards!

Β We’ve created articles about some different resources you could use here: check out the links below. And if you have a story about how your KYB group is using Zoom, comment below or send us a message β€” we’d love to hear how you are going!

A very popular video conferencing software!

Suggestions on how to use Facebook to facilitate a KYB group!

Some other options you might like to explore!

We have heard of different groups using some other approaches as well.Β 

Some KYB groups have been using the well-known Skype app for distance calling as a group.

Some KYB Leaders have been using telephone conferences β€” or even calling each group member by phone to discuss that week’s questions. A good option when computers and internet may not be so accessible!

Others have been using email threads to discuss different points.Β 

Idea:Β Even though there are many technological advancements, traditional forms of communication like a hand-written letter have also seen a resurgence in this time. Feel free to think outside the box β€” or the screen, as the case may be!

We encourage each group to try out technologies to facilitate fellowship, to persevere, have plenty of grace and see what works for your group’s members. Praise God for the many resources we have to continue in different ways in this time!Β 

What is your group doing? Share in the comments below!Β