Intended for good: Genesis 37-50 – Announcing our exciting new KYB Study for Term 4 2021!

Intended for good: Genesis 37-50 – Announcing our exciting new KYB Study for Term 4 2021!

Intended for good: KYB for Term 4, 2021 Intended for good – an inspiring conclusion to our four-part series on Genesis. Throughout Genesis we repeatedly see God allow impossible situations and yet find a way to keep the covenant promises he made to Abraham, Isaac and...
Bond magazine Autumn 2021: How has God been working lately in CWCI Australia?

Bond magazine Autumn 2021: How has God been working lately in CWCI Australia?

Check out our latest stories and news from around Australia as we celebrate 50 years of Safari Ministry in 2021!  In Autumn Bond 2021:  — A time to celebrate — Worldwide creativity in Covid! — Let’s fly again — It all started with a Safari visit — One life live,...
KYB in the summer holidays!

KYB in the summer holidays!

Do you miss KYB over the Summer holidays? Why not keep doing it! Choose one of our previous 5 week studies (listed below), and enjoy fellowship and learning during December and January. Orders can be received up until 21 December, and will be sent out on a rolling...
A new thing!

A new thing!

Good, new things — prepared by God! “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” — Isaiah 43:19 In 2020 we are definitely living in ‘new’ times. The word ‘new’ can bring a...
No abacus in agony

No abacus in agony

Peace be with you! As the elderly shopkeeper turned to add up the amount of my fruit and vegetable purchase, I was surprised to see him deftly using an abacus to make the necessary calculations. His shop was actually a small truck with a makeshift shade cloth extended...
Coronavirus update for KYB Leaders

Coronavirus update for KYB Leaders

Thank you for every effort you are making to keep your group members connected during 2020! In some regions KYB groups have been unable to meet in person since mid-March!  Thank you for the creativity and commitment demonstrated by all to grow women in Christ through...